Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What? More Yarn?

I could show you a picture of the finished sock but it looks much like the previous shot but in complete sockiness. I am nearly up to the heel on its pair but .... well tonight was the dinner for my uncle's birthday and I had to just gift him the hot water bottle and cover and an IOU.

Here instead is some yummy yarn I could not resist. I've been meaning to check out the Yarn Wench for a while and last week or so she had a sale. The discount on these two beauties basically covered my postage and with the dollar so strong ... who could resist. I *know* I'm about to see yarn stores of the world but these balls look unbelievably delicious in real life. I almost want to eat them up or something. Strawberry Mocha Creme sitting on Devine Melon! Yum!! Those socks are gonna be mine!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Next Project is Not a Pair of Socks

But at the moment, I am still knitting socks.

I cast them on last night:

And here is where I leave the first sock tonight:

Ink, by Claudia Handpainted Yarns. Delicious yarn to knit up.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

More socks in October

My sister's socks done! They are wrapped now and all piled up with her other birthday presents.

Another gift bites the dust! I did say they'd be a quick knit!

Here's my Daffodils socks. I'm still only knitting a row for each item I tick off my final countdown to do list before I go off on my month trip overseas. I'm not sure if this is a lot or a little - we were out Monday and Tuesday nights this week.

I cast on the next pair of socks to be knit tonight. Pictures of that tomorrow - my uncle's socks in Ink by Claudia Handpainted Yarns.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

More Sock Knitting

I can't show you the pair of socks I finished today because they're a present for a bloggy person. Consider this a bookmark and I'll get a photo of them on said person's feet later.

Instead, here's my Daffodils sock - am knitting a row for every task I cross off my pre-WFC to do list. Kind of.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sock knitting

Casting on for the second sock for my sister's birthday socks. I cast on last night.

Here's about where it was about an hour ago. Soooooooooo close to turning the heel and then I got distracted by this:

Daffodils by Dani at Sunshine Yarns. Yummy!

Friday, October 12, 2007

More FOs

My uncle is going to be 60 at the end of the month. He really enjoyed the cashmere socks I knitted for him last year so I thought I'd go the knits again.

Here is the first part of the gift.

This is a good representation of the colour. It's Cloud colourway from The Knittery.

This is a better representation of the object. (I'm still figuring out how to take photos at home when you are only ever there at night!)

I'm also going to make a pair of socks. I have till Thurs 25th! Argh! I have 2 other pairs of socks to finish first!

The Christening Jacket

I think commission work *sounds* good in theory but I'm not a huge fan of it in practice. So I'm making this Christening Jacket for my hairdresser's baby. Last appointment she was all "whenever" and then the appointment last weekend she said, "yeah its next weekend" (aka this Sunday). So ... I tried my very best but it was not to be.

Firstly, I didn't read the pattern properly - and I tried to make a 4 x 50g ball jacket with 2. It, um, didn't work. So I made the back and thought maybe I should source more yarn. Noone anywhere online in Australia was stocking it. So I decided to try and order it from my LYS but online. I have no fricking idea if they ordered the yarn because they never got back to me and they never took payment details. But none of that really is important, is it? I mean ... this is how far along the front left side is:

SO tomorrow I have to call her and tell her the sorry news. She told me she wanted it anyway, even if not for the christening. And in truth, its supposed to be 31 here this weekend so she may not have wanted a jacket anyway. Trouble is, if I don't get it done before I go, I get back very late Nov and surely she will not want such a thing then.


I feel so bad with this blog - a knitting blog should have colourful, enticing photos that lure readers in and inspire knitters to start new projects. My photos are all so hideously bad that I can't even keep my own attention on this blog!

I'm knitting up a storm on projects I need to wrap up before I leave on my month's holiday. My sister deserves a really cool birthday present this year. One part will be these socks.

Here's the skein unravelled and is close to the colours as they appear in real life. The yarn is Socks that Rock in Spring Fling which is a colourway they recently retired. I was checking out all the colours that they were retiring and thought that my sister might like socks in this colourway.

Another, closer shot. I love the potential of a skein of yarn.

The first sock cast on. My sister has itty bitty feet (yay - quick knit!)

And the first sock all knit up! Am just doing the ribbing after casting on the second sock. No time for second sock syndrome here.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Yarn purchases

In terms of stashing, it makes sense, right, to buy a lot of next year's yarn this year when I am in the USA. I mean the dollar is stronger, making the yarn cheaper AND no postage.

I'm just sayin' ...

Rocking Sock Club

I got my internationals invitation today to resubscribe for the Socks that Rock Rocking Sock Club. The price for the club has gone up again - it went up last year. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I personally think they might be absorbing some of the postage costs in the club price but ... I dunno, I guess at some point, if it increases every year (but the regular skeins stay the same price) I might eventually get priced out of the market.

Not this year though! Last year, when the club cost $20 less, I bought mine when the Aussie dollar was 75US cents. This year, the new cost price gets bought hopefully when the dollar is still strong - we don't pay till January, today the Aussie dollar was 90US cents. I'm still wayyyyyyyyyy ahead.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Kimono Patchworking

This is a photo of the kimono kit I've been working on this last week. I've done all the squares with the light background. The material for the dark background is a lot lighter and it turns out, less accurately drawn templates on. Lots of fiddling and easing going on.

So this might be one of the projects I take with me when I got overseas at the end of the month - especially since I've made it transportable now. And I can't see myself finishing it before then. I have at least 3 pairs of socks to make in the meantime - 2 of which I have not even balled the skeins of yet. Any ideas about crafting on board a plane? I'm thinking a needle and thread can get on - so cross-stitching could be an option. If I didn't need pins I could take patchwork? I'm vaguely toying with making fans to be appliqued onto blocks later. I could do that with card templates, tack the material on and then overstitch edges together.

I dunno. But the flight from Sydney to JFK is gonna be looooooooooong.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Craft weekend!!!!

Had a heavy schedue of crafting this weekend. No photos today but will post some this week.

I made a nice indent into the second sock I am making for a gift.

I also pieced half of the kimonos for my kimono wall hanging. There are 12 in the whole piece - 6 dark on calico background and then 6 lighter ones on darker background. I did all the dark on the calicos this weekend. And I'm especially impressed with myself because I fixed one of them that had been sitting in limbo for months. Does that ever happen to you? You're rocking along happily on a project nd then wham! something kind of annoying or fiddly happens and you put it down to fix later and the 'fixing it later becomes so big in your mind that the whole project comes to a grinding halt? That's what happened to me on this one. I bled on a piece of the background ... or something red got stained on it .. and it needed to be fixed somehow. And even though I could have left it for later and done all the other squares and come back, I didn't. Nothing happened and sewing ground to a screeching halt and I worked on knitting instead And you know what? It required undoing 3 seams, replaced the piece, redoing two more seams and voila! Done. I did it. And now the project is full steam ahead. I hope.

The other cool thing I discovered was that I think I was slow on this project because I was working one square at a time. On Friday night I stood and traced out all the pieces for all 12 of the kimonos. I cut them all out and put each kimono set in a ziploc bag. Then when I sat to sew, I could pick up one, and work on that without all the others getting in the way. Organisation! And portability! I loved it! I will definitely use this method in future. The cutting out really stalls the work and puts me off working on it.